Orthodontic Procedures
Banding: the process of cementing orthodontic bands to your teeth.
Bonding: the process of attaching brackets to your teeth using special safe glue.
Cephalometric X-Rays: an x-ray of the head that shows whether your teeth are aligned properly, and whether your jaws are positioned in the correct spot.
Consultation: a meeting with your orthodontist where he/she discusses your bite and whether orthodontic treatment is recommended.
Debanding: the removal of cemented orthodontic bands.
Debonding: the removal of the brackets from your teeth.
Extraoral Photograph: facial photos.
Impressions: the first step in making a model of your teeth. You bite into a container filled with alginate, and the alginate hardens to produce a mold of your teeth.
Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment: orthodontic treatment usually done when you are 6-8. The objective of interceptive orthodontic treatment is to expand your palate and make other corrections, so that your later orthodontic treatment goes quicker. This is often called “Phase 1” treatment.
Ligation: a process where an archwire is attached to the brackets on your teeth.
Panoramic X-ray: an x-ray taken by a machine that rotates around your head to give the orthodontist a picture of your teeth and jaws.
Records Appointment: one of the initial appointments with your orthodontist. The orthodontist or his/her assistant takes pictures of you, x-rays, and impressions.
Retie Appointment: a process which occurs every 4-6 weeks when you have braces. At these visits the orthodontist either makes adjustments to the wires, or changes the wires.