Well Experienced in all Areas of Modern Orthodontics
Orthodontic braces are a device used in orthodontics to align teeth and correct the bite. Metal braces have improved through the years to a smaller size and more effective mechanics. Usually children are thrilled to be able to choose colors on their braces.
Metal braces/Traditional braces
These are the metal brackets and wires that most people picture when they hear the word "braces." However, modern brackets are smaller and less noticeable than the notorious "metal-mouth" braces that many adults remember. Plus, new heat-activated archwires use your body heat to help teeth move more quickly and less painfully than in the past.
Ceramic braces are tooth colored therefore less visible and are more appealing to adult patients.
Ceramic braces are the same size and shape as metal braces, except that they have tooth-colored or clear brackets that blend in to teeth. Some even use tooth-colored wires to be even less noticeable.
Less noticeable than metal braces; move teeth much faster than clear plastic aligners (Invisalign)
Invisalign is a series of clear aligners custom made for each patient. The aligners need to be worn by patients at all time in order to be effective.
Comfort & Convenience
Making the decision to straighten your teeth is much easier when you
know that Invisalign® treatment lets you live your life the way you want
to. With Invisalign aligners, you don't need to worry about the gum and
mouth irritation other teeth-straightening methods can cause.
Invisalign aligner trays are not only smooth and comfortable to wear, but
they're also removable. That means you can continue doing all the
things you normally would, from brushing and flossing, to eating
whatever you like. With other devices, brushing and flossing properly
can often take up to 30 minutes!
Special occasion coming up? No problem — just take your aligners out
for that time and pop them back in when you're ready. Of course, even
when you're wearing them, most people won't even know you're going
through treatment, because they are virtually invisible!
Invisalign treatment is also ideal for your busy schedule, with fewer
doctor visits required (approximately every six weeks).
Lingual braces are an esthetic alternative to clear braces which are cemented to the inside of the teeth therefore invisible to the public. These braces are custom build in the laboratory for each patient. In our office we use the most recent self-ligating system for our lingual cases.
You already know about the traditional metal braces placed on the front of the teeth. What sets lingual braces apart is in their placement on the back of the teeth. Lingual braces are virtually invisible, and that's the main reason eligible patients choose them. This partly explains why they are more common among adults than children. One other advantage is if you play a wind instrument or a sport, lingual braces are easier to adapt to than traditional braces.